Both separateness and attachment develop our self
identity. Mahlerian separation theories did not distinguish the development of
the individual from development and maintenance of relationships, where, through
internalization [a specious distinction between inside and outside], object
constancy is eventually established allowing for more comfortable separateness.
In contrast, attachment theories see the development of the individual as inherently
interactive, with the self made up of past and present internal relationships. Relatedness,
instead of the individual, is emphasized. Blass and Blatt speak of the dialectic
between separation (development of ‘self’) and attachment (the development of ‘self
with other’), reminding us that it is not a linear process, but two distinct
lines of development, whose progress in one line is essential to the other, each
being continually renegotiated and reintegrated throughout the life cycle. The
two primary developmental tasks, then, are the establishment of a consolidated,
positive sense of self and the capacity to maintain mutually satisfying relationships.
Within these interpersonal relationships, one learns to accept the limitations of
the other, accept separateness and ambivalence.
Osofsky, likewise, sees the self as developing, and
existing, within relationships. She notes that internalization of relationship
experiences (of self as good and competent, or, conversely, self as bad and
incompetent) become the internal representations, Bowlby’s internal working
models—based on real life events – [and, perhaps, Stern’s RIGS, representations
of interactions that have been generalized]. Early affect sharing and
communication in the developing relationship between mother and infant contribute
to the infant’s differentiation of self from other, that is, the self develops within
the caregiver system [Winnicott’s no such thing as a baby]. The quality of this
affect sharing and mutual regulation, affecting the quality of attachment, influence
the child’s developing sense of self and of others. An infant can only “be
competent to the extent that there is a caregiving environment that is alert
and responsive to the infant’s ‘signals’.” Meaning develops according to what the child
means to the parent, and implicit rules of relating become the basis of the
sense of self and the self with others. Later, “the analysand forms a
relationship with the analyst that recreates and [hopefully] reworks old ‘working
models’ of attachment figures.”
The self comes into being through interaction with important
caregivers and through experiences of the self as separate. Blass and Blatt
take Kohut’s ideas about the self as primarily a separate, self-contained entity, and grapple with the paradox of self as
continually embedded in relationship with others, that is, as also attached in
loving relationship to others. They note that Kohut failed to emphasize that
object ties (attachment) “can be based on other motives in addition to
narcissistic ones.” They also point out how empathy as an expression of
attachment can conflict with the self’s need to experience oneself as
differentiated within a relationship, the “wish to be incomprehensible,
obscure, [Winnicott’s private self] and thus separate.” Kohut struggled with
whether to consider the selfobject experience as intrapsychic or interpersonal.
Loewald put it in neither realm, but ‘in an intermediate region.’ Kohut spoke
to relationships in regard to their contribution to self cohesion (that is, the
other as selfobject), and distinguished object love and narcissism on degree of:
differentiation between self and other; drive satisfaction; and contribution to
self cohesion. Paradoxically, object love is attachment with increased
differentiation, whereas the narcissistic aim is separateness (and intimates self
interest) despite decreased differentiation (experiencing other as part of
self, perhaps through projective identification). In fact, write Blass and Blatt, “ongoing
existence of others is experienced as an inherent and integral component of the
individual’s cohesive sense of self separate and autonomous.” This paradox
speaks to the speciousness of dichotomizing differentiation (separateness) and
attachment for, as Blass and Blatt note, they are dialectically intertwined.
Likewise, there is conflict and tension between the aims of attachment and
autonomy. Thus, negotiation between autonomy (separateness) and relatedness (attachment),
between self-sufficiency and dependency, is a universal human dilemma.
R.B., Blatt, S.J. (1992). Attachment and Separateness—A Theoretical Context for
Integration of Object Relations Theory with Self Psychology. Psychoanal. St. Child, 47:189-203.
J.D. (1995). Perspectives on Attachment and Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal.
Psychol., 12:347-362.